Multiply Yourself!
AI Texting Gives the Self-Employed Another Worker
You love being self-employed. Whether you’re a freelance web designer or an at-home yoga instructor, you’re doing what you love and you have the one thing most of us crave: freedom.
And the ranks of the self-employed are growing rapidly. First off, most of us know that traditional jobs are sometimes not all they’re cracked up to be. Wages are slowing, and benefits are getting cut.
We’re lucky here at getLouie; the company takes great care of us. All our bosses ask us in return is to create cutting-edge, unique, next-generation business texting tools for as many professions as we possibly can.
(That’s what we love to do.)
When we were building an amazing AI-driven business texting platform, we started thinking outside the model of traditional business. What about the self-employed? After all, nearly thirty percent of you are going it on your own. We gotta look out for you too.
We talked to our self-employed peeps, and one comment stood out:
“What I really need to do is clone myself.”
If you’re running your own business, there is so much to do. Make certain that your current customers are happy. Schedule. Balance the books. And then make sure those books are balanced.
In the meantime, if you’re not growing your business, you’re falling behind.
We have your solution. No, we have not perfected cloning, although there are some things going on in our research and development that we’re not supposed to ask about.
We’ve created an AI-driven automated two way text messaging platform for businesses that uses your voice and natural language to connect with customers both present and possible. It’s the closest we can get to multiplying your business’ best asset: you.
Why Texting?
Why not emails, or even direct calls? Well, business is changing, and the numbers show that texting is the way to go, now and in the future. Consider these stats:
- 78% of customer say they want to text with businesses
- 98% of texts are opened (80% of emails are trashed)
- 90% of people open a text within three minutes
- 45% respond to texts (just 6% hit “reply” to an email)
Texting is the way to go. And getLouie can help you with all of your needs.
Convert New Customers
Say a customer finds you on your social media page or website. They’re directed to text in for more information. That’s one step. But you can’t be running a business and stay on your phone 24/7.
getLouie utilizes AI-driven messaging with Hot Keys and Keywords to send personalized responses to every new lead who requests information. They may be asking for services, prices, schedules. The platform answers these questions for you and then sends responses based on your templates and our AI structuring.
You are building a clientele without saying a word—but new customers feel like they’re connecting with you.
And this all happens with speed, one of the most crucial components of converting leads into business. 78% of customers buy from the business that first responds to them. Imagine if a new customer texts in, and instantly receives a response tailored to their question. getLouie could send them links to service videos, customer testimonials, demos.
All this in a blink of an eye.
Keep Your Current Clientele Happy
You’re not just the CEO, you’re the Customer Service Manager. And that’s a sore spot for a lot of businesses, from the single entrepreneur to the massive corporations. A study by CallMiner found that companies lose $136.8 billion a year due to “avoidable customer switching”— a fancy way of saying poor customer service.
That’s a big number, and huge companies spend as much as needed to keep their customers.
But you don’t have the time and resources to build out a service call center. Besides, as the owner of a small business, one of the things you provide your customers is personalized attention.
You can use getLouie to create messages with natural progressions and responses to keep that connection going, even when you’re busy tending to other aspects of your business.
Sure, it’s good for customer retention and your bottom line. It’s also good for your customers, and gives them the full benefits of you without keeping you on the phone half the day.
We love win-wins like that.
We Got Your CRM
Another major getLouieCloningStyleBenefit (or gLCSB, just invented that, we’re keeping it):
Helping with the drudgery.
Creating, maintaining, and updating your Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system is a time-killing and often boring task. We feel that, so we built in a CRM system to our business texting platform.
Like most of what we do, it gets an AI assist. We build customer profiles and as they customers engage via text, getLouie makes automated profile notes. You can add all the notes you like and need, but your CRM will already be chock-full of information from getLouie. Then you can use your customer profiles to re target them with your getLouie ‘s powerful campaigns.
Are we starting to see two of you? That’s just what your business needs.
You are building a clientele without saying a word—but new customers feel like they’re connecting with you.
And this all happens with speed, one of the most crucial components of converting leads into business. 78% of customers buy from the business that first responds to them. Imagine if a new customer texts in, and instantly receives a response tailored to their question. getLouie could send them links to service videos, customer testimonials, demos.
All this in a blink of an eye.
getLouie’s AI texting platform utilizes the features outlined above and many others to help businesses of all kinds connect with their customer base with speed, personalization, and ease. Take a look at the next generation of business communication. Stay awhile; there are a lot of features to take in.
Contact us for a free consultation or simply sign up. We love to share.